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We love to capture the special moments from your big day so you can treasure them for years to come.


I'M Angela! Photographer,
Plant Parent, AND Favorite Aunt

welcome, friend

Once upon a time in a land far away . . . just kidding, but isn't that how many good stories start?!

Most stories aren't quit as exciting as Cinderella or Rapunzel, but that's okay, While most couple's love stories may not sound like a fairytale that Disney should turn into a blockbuster movie, we think that each couple's wedding pictures should be the start to their happily ever after.

If we can take and deliver pictures to couples that they can look back on for years to come and smile at, and recall great memories from, then to us, that's the real fairytale blockbuster.

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"We were so impressed with Angela's organizational skills. She sat down and made a detailed itinerary with us that ensured we captured all of our most important moments rather than the moments happening and trying to run around catching them."

Jeff & Victoria

Ryan & Leanne

"I love them already! You really saved me....I can't thank you enough."

Daniel & Rachael